In the blood:
Detecting and treating cancer earlier with liquid biopsies

In a recent episode of the Genetics Unzipped podcast, Susan Galbraith, Executive Vice President, Oncology R&D at AstraZeneca, 讨论液体活检是如何使癌症的检测和治疗, together with Professor Charles Swanton from the Francis Crick Institute and Sir Harpal Kumar, President of GRAIL Europe.

想象一下,如果一个小小的血液样本可以告诉你你想知道的关于体内癌症的存在和起源的一切, 帮助临床医生为病人选择最好的治疗方法,然后监测治疗效果.

由于技术的进步,这一想法正迅速成为现实,因为技术的进步可以检测到癌细胞流入血液的微小DNA片段, known as circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA).1 As a consequence of this innovation, “液体活检”的使用正在从研究领域进入临床实践.2

Revealing the secrets in ctDNA to inform treatment strategies

Most cells release DNA into the bloodstream as they are damaged, dying or dead, and cancer cells are no exception.3 Through the use of technologies such as next-generation sequencing,4 these fragments of DNA can reveal a wealth of information about cancer, without the need for invasive surgical biopsies. At a basic level, ctDNA可以揭示体内癌症可能存在和负担的信息. But our abilities now go much further. 检测ctDNA中特定基因突变的存在可以为每个患者的最佳治疗提供重要的见解.

Furthermore, 分析突变事件的频率揭示了肿瘤的进化和异质性. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐现在可以开始看到哪些突变可能是所有癌细胞共有的,哪些是一小部分细胞共有的, 这对耐药性的出现和疾病的最终复发具有重要意义.5

Beyond changes to the genetic code, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐现在可以研究ctDNA上的DNA甲基化模式,这种分子标签可以改变基因的表达, also known as epigenetics. 这些变化揭示了癌症可能的起源组织和行为的重要线索, 进一步告知最适当的诊断和治疗策略.6

Putting this into practice, ctDNA可以潜在地帮助医生确定哪些患者最有可能从特定的治疗方案中受益. 它还可以用于监测对治疗的持续反应,比典型的成像扫描具有更高的灵敏度和速度, allowing doctors to switch treatments sooner if necessary.7


Improving outcomes through early detection

液体活检技术不仅有可能改善已经被诊断患有癌症的人的治疗, 但研究人员也在探索使用ctDNA进行早期检测和筛查的潜力.8

For example, our collaborators at GRAIL 开发了一种基于ctDNA中DNA甲基化模式的多种癌症血液测试.9

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐特别兴奋地探索GRAIL技术的可能性,使癌症的识别和治疗在早期阶段,治疗可能更有效,生存的机会更高.10 这使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够以前所未有的速度将目前正在晚期癌症试验的药物转移到疾病的早期阶段, helping us to build more effective treatment regimens.11

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐相信液体活检技术和ctDNA分析将改变癌症治疗, 从早期的筛查和诊断到治疗再到长期随访, 这意味着澳门第一赌城在线娱乐有可能在今天的基础上取得显著的进步.

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  1. Cheng F et al. 循环肿瘤DNA:癌症液体活检中有前途的生物标志物. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(30): 48832-48841.
  2. Siravegna G et al. How liquid biopsies can change clinical practice in oncology. Annals of Oncology. 2019; 30(10):1580-1590.
  3. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). How do cancer cells grow and spread? National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health. September 2016.
  4. Zhong Y et al. Application of Next Generation Sequencing in Laboratory Medicine. Ann Lab Med. 2021;41(1): 25-43.
  5. Fisher R et al. Cancer heterogeneity: implications for targeted therapeutics. Br J Cancer. 2013; 108(3): 479-485. 
  6. Herceg Z & Hainaut P. 遗传和表观遗传改变作为癌症检测、诊断和预后的生物标志物. Mol Oncol. 2007; 1(1): 26-41.
  7. Weaver C H. Ask The Experts About Circulating Tumor DNA in the Management of Cancer. Cancer Connect. April 2022. Accessed on 7 June 2022 from
  8. Fiala C and Diamandis E P. 循环肿瘤DNA在癌症诊断中的应用,重点是早期发现. BMC Medicine. 2018;16:166.
  9. Ofman J et al. GRAIL and the quest for earlier multi-cancer detection. Nature Portfolio. Accessed on 7 June 2022 from
  10. Galleri. Early Cancer Detection: How to Find Cancer Early. Accessed on 30 June 2022 from
  11. GRAIL. (2022, June 2). GRAIL宣布与澳门在线赌城娱乐战略合作,开发伴随诊断测试以治疗早期癌症[新闻发布]. Retrieved from

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Date of preparation: July 2022